"God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians. "
Daniel 5: 25 - 28
These words were written by the finger of God on the wall of Belshazzar's palace, they serve as a warning to the rulers of America.
Tuesday's election is not a measure of George Bush's Presidency - it is a measure of the "rightful rulers of America," its people. We the People are the rulers of this country - as surely as Belshazzar ruled Babylon. We will bear the consequences of our choice.
I have listened with growing frustration to the direction in which the Kerry campaign has crumbled. Now Kerry's only line is that President Bush has failed in Iraq; misled in the War on Terror. Kerry drags our dead heroes through the "streets" of American cities and says their deaths are President Bush's fault; that President Bush has mistaken, misled, misjudged, mishandled. These heart-breaking deaths are not President Bush's fault. They are the terrible cost of freedom, the unavoidable cost of war fought against the Evil that would destroy the Good. If Kerry comes to be "Commander in Chief" soldiers will still die. What will Kerry do then? Whine, declare himself a failure, and surrender? That is what he did in 1971. Our nation cannot be lead to victory by a whining child who wants to win without sacrifice or take his ball and go home. The right will only prevail if we are led by an adult, one who will take the responsibility of doing difficult and often unpopular things and who has the courage and wisdom to follow through.
There was a placard at a recent Mike Moore-inspired Democrat rally against our President and the war he is leading us in, the war that we must fight to preserve our nation. It read, "Clinton Lied - No One Died". The sign itself is a lie and shows the fallacy of theDemocrat, the Relativist, position. Many died and Clinton still lies! What about those who died in Mogadishu? What about the deaths in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center? What about the Americans that died in Al Qaida bombed embassies in Africa? What about the sailors who died on the USS Cole? What about the defenselsess people murdered in Indonesia, Israel, and on and on and on? In each case people died and in each case Clinton lied. He lied to us by pretending to defend our nation while all that he was protecting was his own glory. His weakness placed our nation on the terrible slide toward 9/11. When Osama BinLaden sent his murderers into the air on that nightmare day, it was Clintonian cowardice that he expected to encounter. Bin Laden was so sure that Americans could not bear to see their own people die that he intended to defeat American with one act of un-imagined terror. How our enemies danced with joy at the fear and humiliation of We the People. But this time it was different; this time the nation was not lead by a liar, a coward, or a fool. President Bush said the War would come to them and for three years they have fought, not to terrorize our homeland, but to stay alive. They are losing that battle.
The War on Terror can be traced to Clinton's lies. Before Clinton, Carter lied to us. He told us that we were the evil ones, and abandoned strength in the name of "human rights." He promised us peace, but because of Carter's lie the power of evil in the form of Communism and Islamic Fanaticism spread like a plague. We the People choose Ronald Reagan and the nation was saved. And now another liar wants to lead America.
Kerry's lies are Satanic. "Choose me" he entices, "and I will solve all your porblems, there will be no sacrifice, only the miracle of my power. Give me your vote and I will make every thing perfect." Oh how tempting it sounds - how tempting to choose the path by which "not one will be lost." But such a promise is a lie from the beginning, and those who make them are only interested in their own glory.
We have talked a lot over the past few days about the fall of empires, the death of nations, and the fate of the Good and the Evil. Now America must choose. Belshazzar, ruler of Babylon, chose the way of decadence, he drank from the golden cups that his father had obtained but that Belshazzar would not make the sacrifice to keep. In a Democracy, a Democratic Republic, the majority must choose the right. If the majority chooses evil all are lost. It is not President Bush whom is being measured; he has faced his test and met it. He meets it day in and day out like the great man he is. We the People must choose; either to take up the heavy burden of sacrifice that agency demands or opt for the lie. If we choose "Evil", we too will be weighed in the balance and found wanting.
Kickstarter Campaign
10 years ago
Aeneas' words are right to the point. I would only add some observations.
It is disturbing to me to watch those on the left struggle with the nature of the enemy. From Carter (where I agree the posture on defense of the Democratic Party changed) to the Clinton's and Kerry, the liberal mindset seems to be one of negotiation. Sure, Kerry has recently upped the rhetoric to tough talk about Bin Laden after he licked his finger and put it up to test the direction of the wind of political expiediency (see Silver Lining's comment on House Divided), but the only constant I have been able to detect in those winds of change is that the Democrats seem to believe that if we are kind, and if we chat about it, these problems will all go away.
As Aeneas articulated, the problem began with Abraham, and I will add that it is not going to go away with a simple chat. A clear choice will be presented on election day, and, as Lysis wrote, democracy requires responsibility. If the electorate turns from that responsibility, evil will triumph over good.
I do believe that Aeneas stopped short when he failed to suggest that Republican Administrations have not only had to clean up after the Democrats in matters of defense, but also have had to clean up the mess left by the Democrats on economic issues, and on matters of public policy (Though I don't think the Republican solutions on all these issues have been the best either).
Democrats continue relentless attacks on a seemingly struggling economy, an economy that was in a tailspin at the end of, and due to the actions of, the Clinton Administration, an economy that has been revived by the Bush Administration.
Democrats struggle with social issues, trying desparatly to hold together a base of special interest, while they suggest that the Republicans are the party doing the pandering.
We can all hope that the majority chooses the good on Election Day.
Hythloday - what a thought provoking comment!
On Election Day if good prevails will the battle have ended? Will we have won the war? Will we be truely free?
What is this war? Is it WWIII? Is it the War on Terror? Or is it an internal war? In weakness allow me to attempt to answer.
It seems to me that the real battle taking place in not in Iraq; rather the battle is being waged at home between neighbors, house to house and city to city among the citizens of the greatest free nation to ever exist. But it is a battle being waged without swords or guns. It is an idealogical battle; it is a battle of opposing philosophies that over time cannot coexist.
What are the philosophies? In my mind the one suggests that by nature men can do for themselves, that men must do for themselves, in order to fulfill the measure of their creator. The other suggests that men are not capable of such lofty aspirations, and there are a select few that can care for the masses.
Is this battle of ideas accute or systemic? The very nature of the Constitution requires it to be systemic. As the Declaration of Independence states, "We the people". Some may say that the introduction of such an infection would be catastrophic! How could such an experiment survive?
It has survived for over 200 years. It has survived because it is brilliant; it is brilliant from the checks and balances it provides to a free election based on geography rather than popular vote.
But in my view it will not survive if the electorate turns to others for solutions.
Why do I support Bush over Kerry? Because of the two Bush is closer to that ideal.
I bask in the self-determination that I was fortunate enough to be born under.
The Afgans got a taste of the same thing and seem to want more. The Iraqi's appear willing to risk all for such and opportunity. America is still the beacon for all the world to see.
No matter who wins on Election Day we will not be completely free. But we can take a step . . . a step that can move us toward being free not FROM, but being free TO raise our families with our own ideals, while accepting and peacefully coexisting with others who have done the same with their ideals.
The right will only prevail if we are led by an adult, one who will take the responsibility of doing difficult and often unpopular things and who has the courage and wisdom to follow through.
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