In the section on “Fifth-century Pythagoreanism” in his book
Early Greek Philosophy, Jonathan Barnes states that. “. . . there were two forms
of philosophy; for there were two kinds of people who practiced it, the
Aphorists and the Scientists.” (pp. 162,
An aphorism is a
terse formulation of a truth or a concise statement of a principle, and the
Aphorists support these “as if they were divine doctrines.” (Webster)
Some sound very reasonable and therefor true to me as
1. “What is most just? – Sacrificing.” (p. 163)
2. “What is most powerful? – Knowledge.” (p. 163)
3. “What is most good? – Happiness.” (p. 163)
4. “Do not help anyone to put down a burden (for one must
not become a cause of idleness); rather, help him to take it up.” (p. 163)
5. “It is good to stand fast, to receive wounds in the
front, and so to die: the opposite is bad.” (p. 164)
#4 seems praticularly apt for today!